
Education and the American Dream

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The American Dream has become a widespread issue in society today debating whether or not it is still achievable or if it's just a fantasy from the past. It was known to be the basis for many people and their dreams, defining life success in America. Yet it is slowly fading into the past and many have started to wonder if it was ever made to be accomplished or just a figment of our imagination. With the idea that it is fulfilled with things such as a nice house with white picket fences, nice car, the perfect family and job, it's absurd. It can no longer be seen that the American Dream is based only on that idea because it is highly impossible to achieve now unlike in the past when "the American Dream was about liberty and prosperity and stability, but also about escape and reinvention" (Meacham). Although there are many factors that compose the American Dream and makes it difficult to reach, there is one that has had a major impact on the reality of it currently- education. Among the rise of tuition, enormous amounts in debt, and unknown success rate afterwards, it's becoming more of a clouded dream that is all it is, a dream. However, if we change the idea of the dream to a more suitable and realistic concept, then it might be possible to be a reality rather than a just a dream. College education is considered an investment in the American Dream but with the constant increase in tuition, it is difficult for everyone to achieve the American Dream as it has been defined in the past. As the price for a good education is increasing year after year, it's hard to wonder if people are actually still applying themselves and going to college to better their lives. "Tuition for four-year colleges began to rise faster than family incomes" (Martin). It almost seems as if it's not even important anymore, like it won't make any difference in the future. Chelsea Grove "dropped out of Bowling Green State University and has no intention of going back" due to the massive amount of debt she has accumulated in a few years (Martin). Although this is only one example, there are thousands out there in the same situation. The excessive amount of cost is making people all around not only graduate in debt but also dropout in debt. That's even worse because they couldn't even finish school. So not on

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