
My Religious and Educational Goals

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Genesis 1:27 states, "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Since we are young children, we're constantly reminded of our unique qualities and our true value. We are taught to love everyone no matter how different they are. I have always believed that no matter how dark and grimace a person appears to be on the outside, that everyone has some beauty to them. Or should I say, almost everyone. Going through my high school years, I started to degrade someone very important. I started to put this person down for their physical attributes until eventually, I put this person down for their personality, their talents and interests and even the way they thought. I managed to tear this person down into shreds without any mercy. This person was me. No matter what I did, it never felt good enough for me. This mindset I had placed myself self in was not only a lie, but it was hurtful. I got to the point where I couldn't do a whole lot for myself. I wondered what I did in order to be much less than everyone around me. I hated feeling the way that I did. My negative mindset was taking a lot away from me. Through years and years of putting myself through my little own hell, I finally decided that enough was enough. It took me a very long time to realize that I didn't have a reason to feel the way I did. It wasn't until a good friend invited me to church that something changed. I finally understood for once that it was okay to be filled with imperfections. I finally understood that my imperfections made me the unique person that I was meant to be. Upon arriving at church, I finally felt like I belonged. I felt like I found the missing puzzle piece that I had lost. Becoming a Christian didn't make my problems go away. Becoming a Christian allowed me to handle my problems in a much better way. My ability to understand things was much better. I became an active member of church

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