Fate and destiny is predetermined. The short story “Amal” written by Shawn Mehta, the play “Antigone,” written by Sophocles, and the story “If things Happen for a Reason” written by Sara O’ Leary show that Fate and Destiny are an inevitable force that is beyond freedom or the capacity to choose that human beings possess. This essay aims to demonstrate that tragedies in each story and in the play are not product of choices or inappropriate behaviours by the main characters, but is part of a determined plan called destiny. The fatal ending is created by a set of successive events that are beyond the control of the main characters. The events that are defined by fate and destiny are beyond of human will. No matter how people try to avoid it. In the short story “Amal”, the character Amal struggles to do whatever it takes to raise enough money to save Pooja’s life, but at the end the girl dies. No matter how hard he tries to avoid her dead, maybe that was the will of God or her destiny and that cannot be changed. In addition to this, the lawyer M s. Agarwal desperately tries to find Amal and the children do everything to prevent him from claiming the inheritance. This point can be demonstrated when the author writes, “I’ve spent much time searching for you. I must speak to you in private. How did you fin me, Sahib? There are thousands of rickshaw wallahs in Dehli” (12). Here the author shows this dialogue to demonstrates that if someone is destined for something in life, no matter how many obstacles are in the middle, all humans have a purpose in life and this purpose will be fulfilled. On the other hand, in the play “Antigone” the character Antigone is a very religious person and the acceptance of her brother by the gods is extremely important to her. Antigone wants to get married with Haemon and gives her brother a properly bury, but the force of destiny is inevitable. The prophecy of Tiresias is fatal in w