Smoking, this is a very common habit for most people and just happens to be my most common habit currently. There are people that smoke and there are those who don't, sadly I am one of those who does. Now keep in mind I haven't always smoked, just apparently whenever I feel it to be necessary. I have off and on smoked since I was about 18, and I believe it to be a combination of both behavioral and social. The behavioral half of this coin coming from watching family members and friends of the family smoking all around me as a child, the social side being all my high school, then college buddies doing it so I felt like I wanted to fit in and be cool like everyone else. "Yes, social friend, I love thee well, In learned doctor's spite; Thy clouds all other clouds dispel, And lap me in delight" (Charles Sprague, To My Cigar). So where to begin, how about at the beginning; as a child, I grew up around all my family and their friends as they all puffed away. I was constantly surrounded by people who smoked. So naturally I believe that they are my biggest influence for the reason I started smoking. I started smoking at the age of eighteen. My friends and I had entered into the world of college life. We all wanted to fit into what we preserved as the "college life." My friends from high school, as well as those from college, have played a significant part in my decision to smoke cigarettes. From a behavioral standpoint, I honestly believe that all the growing up around constant smokers played an adamant part in my growing up to eventually smoke. So as I mentioned in the beginning I haven't always been a smoker, obviously I wasn't a smoker as a child, but once I was at legal age and knew that I had full accessibility to smoke, followed with the help of my college buddies, I began my journey into the world of smoking. I currently smoke and question myself almost on a daily basis, why? So from the age of eighteen thru twenty I was at least a