Today, I’m going to speak about a very controversial topic: physician assisted suicide (PAS) - also known as euthanasia. According to the article, "Physician-Assisted Suicide: Development, Status, And Nursing Perspectives," physician assisted suicide is when a doctor provides a lethal amount of medication to their patient with the intention of ending his/her life. To many, this an unethical, immoral and should be considered a criminal act. One reason PAS should be legal is because it should be the patient’s choice and no one else’s. But you might be asking what if they cannot talk how do we know it is their choice. We don’t that’s why just like in the state of Oregon according to the journal, Physician-Assisted Suicide: Development, Status, And Nursing Perspectives where it is legal the patient must be able physically and mentally to perform the act of suicide without assistance this meaning those who cannot without aid will not be assisted. Another reason PAS should be legal is because it is less devastating to the patient and their families. Instead of having a family member on life support and is not going to make it, why make them suffer or even if patients are healthy enough to not be on life support and possibly try to end their own lives through unassisted suicide. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, data taken from Switzerland and the Netherlands show that the number of assisted suicides has grown but total number of suicides has declined. Also another good reason PAS should be legal is that it is quick and painless. Rather than having the patient who knows he/she is not going to live go through the possible unbearable pain of the illness they may have why not let them choose whether or not they want to deal with that or be professionally sedated and put to rest. Although I believe it should be legal there are others who think it is unethical, immoral and it ties into their religion as a sin. From the