
The Responsibility to Vote

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Voting has the power to change public policy and the lives of the people for the better. It can be described as an act of civic engagement that gives us a say in government, but that being said, we need to realize the importance and the responsibility that goes with voting. Many generations before us have faced sacrifices and challenges to ensure that we have the democratic government that we have today. We need knowledge that is gained through liberal education in order to participate effectively in voting and path the way for generations to come. Firstly, when we go to vote we need to know which candidate we want to vote for, and the issues they represent. You will need to form an opinion on candidates in order to make this decision. This means knowing all sides of current issues, obtaining information on relevant issues in order to get a better understanding of them. This knowledge can be obtained in many ways, for example watching the news, internet searches and newspapers. This liberal education will allow us to form our own opinion and not rely on campaign information. Campaign information is confusing, contradicting and is aimed at securing the votes of the people by any means possible and is definitely not objective. This type of liberal education can provide a broad base of knowledge to build on. It can show us what decisions were made in earlier generations and how these decisions affected our democracy. It can tie the past, present and the future together and provide better solutions for current issues. You may see a candidate repeating a past failure or a candidate that has learnt from part failures, thus finding a more suitable solution for an issue. Having this liberal education would be out best way to evaluate the running candidates and provide us a better way of effectively communicating with elected officials. Similarly, we would have a better understanding of global issues and be able to form our own opinions. All

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