According to Billings & Halstead, there are several forces driving changes in the nursing industry, such as the following: - increasing multiculturalism of society - decreasing financial resources - changes in the delivery of healthcare from the healthcare reform act - the shortage of nurses with higher degrees - expanding technology - the integration of evidence-based practice - the emphasis on learning instead of teaching - public demand for accountability of educational outcomes. Nursing education faculties are now facing new and emerging challenges and they are forced to become innovative by creating new educational teaching strategies in order to meet the demands placed on their profession. According to (Billings & Halstead, 2012 p. 2) “the sole reliance on the use of lecture is no longer an accepted teaching method, instead faculty are integrating the use of technology into their teaching and is promoting active involvement of students in the learning process. ”Today, the nursing profession has been asked to make radical transformations in the delivery of nursing education, such as the use of simulation, distant-learning, computer-mediated courses and learning environments which are no longer isolated to the classroom, but to much larger environments." Other radical transformations were based on twenty-six recommendations presented by (Benner, Sutphen, Leonard & Day, 2010) and those were expected to cause a paradigm shift in nursing education and transform the future of nurse educators. Another change agent called the tri-council was formed and it comprised of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing or AACN, the Nurse Executives and the National League for Nursing or NLN. This tri-council requested that nurses meet the educational demands confronting them today and equip themselves to function in multiple roles through the acquisition of nursing education. As stated in (Billings & Halstead, 2012, p.3), the AACN also reported a growing need for nurses to get prepared at the doctorate level, not