
Personalized Customer Service

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Abstract Businesses are always looking to get ahead, and for small businesses, that can be hard to do. They simply do not have the resources, the brand image, or the customer base that other major corporations have. What these small businesses lack in size, they make up for in service. A new ways to better connect with customers is what is called personalized customer service. It is simply being able to figure out each individual customer's wants and needs, and being able to bring that to them in order to gain their loyalty in ways most small businesses struggle to do. This study looks at how customer service affects businesses, and how personalization can really be the key to improvement. Also, a survey was done to see what random people think of this new idea of customer service, and if it can really succeed in the future. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION Purpose and Scope FINDINGS OF REPORT Why Customer Service is Important How Successful Customer Service is Implemented Technology Data Survey CONCLUSION Summary of Findings Recommendations APPENDIX References Survey Questions A Study of Personalized Customer Service INTRODUCTION Since the recent economic crisis, companies have been looking to cut cost wherever they can. Many have chosen to have fewer employees on duty at a time, and therefore have more duties to perform at a time. This usually comes at the cost of customer service. Let's say that a customer has a question about a product, but the person who should be helping them is busy checking out another customer. These people do not feel like waiting and therefore decide not to buy that particular product. It is common to see in any big retail store a low number of employees per customer. A small business has that advantage and ability to be more personable with the customer. Purpose and Scope In today's economy, it's hard for a small business to separate themselves from other competitors, especially large multi-national corporations. These companies can sometimes afford to do the things that take customers away from small businesses, like a more disperse product line, or simply low prices. Our business must offer something that other businesses cannot offer (or at least as well) to stay competitive. The question is what is the best way for a small business to gain and maintain their customer base? FINDINGS OF THE REPORT Why Customer Service is Important Many customer service efforts are managed in many companies. Customers expect service to be as much a part of what they buy as design, quality, and price. Furthermore, the service is generally the most frequent and visible contact point between the seller and the client. In providing quality service to the customers it will ensure effectiveness of a business and thus it guarantees greater profitability. Once a business enterprise has effective customer service, customers will be loyal to them and more potential customers will be interested in their products and services. Thus the business will grow and its aim for greater profit will be attained. Greater profitability is a blend of many elements, including understanding the customers' needs, providing quality products or services designed to meet those needs, and following up to see that customers are satisfied. Furthermore, tight controls must be in place to keep production and distribution costs as low as possible, debt must be maintained a reasonable levels, accounts receivable should be vigorously pursued, and sales methods must match or be better than those of the competition. No one will deny that the reason for being in business is to make profit. But if profits are the primary focus and customers are secondary, then a company will struggle to maintain profitability. Instead, the strategy should be designed to put customers first. Satisfaction is the consumer's fulfillment reaction. It is a judgment that a product or service feature or the product itself, provides a pleasurable of purchasing goods and services by consumers fulfillment. Managers should interpret the meaning of customer satisfaction through the needs and expectations of customers. Failure to meet the needs and expectations is the result in dissatisfaction of customer with the products and services. In addition to sense of fulfillment based on experience, satisfaction can also be associated to other types of feelings depending on what kind of service have you provided, for example satisfaction can be viewed as "

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