This paper explores the topic of learning disabilities and how they are related to educators, parents, and the school system. Part of the research is based off of Professor of Psychology, Gavin Alessi's study entitled "Diagnosis Diagnosed: A Systemic Reaction." It examines the role of an educator and how they are responsible for the learning of their students with a learning disability. It examines the role of the parents and how they help and sometimes do not help when it comes to their child's learning disability. It also examines the role of the school board and how they help with this important issue. It is important to realize that no one is at fault for this, but more so, solutions need to be found for this growing problem in elementary and secondary schools. Education and Learning Disabilities: The Relationship between Students,Teachers, and the Education System Numerous studies have been conducted on students and their abilities to learn information in school settings. While some students thrive in academic settings, some students face difficulty learning the material. Students who face some type of learning problem are often classified as having a learning disability. According to the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (2011), a learning disability is " A general term that describes specific kinds of learning problems (Learning Disabilities, 2011). Often, students who have a learning disabilities, have some type of high intelligence in a specialized area that may not reflect on a standardized test or other assessments. Galen Alessi, professor of Western Michigan University, conducted an experiment, which examines who is at fault for the students' disability. His research looks at the educator, parents, environment, and the student as factors. In order to understand how educators, parents, the school system, and even the student may be accountable for this issue, all four categories must be studied. This paper examines the role of the educator, parents or guardians, school system, and the student as to why they may have a part in a student having a learning disability. In a school setting, educators take on the role of facilitating and teaching information for stude