Early in 1997, Dr. Ian Wilmut, a Scottish scientist, revealed to the world that he had completed a clone of an adult sheep; he named her Dolly. With this huge scientific leap, genetic cloning was no longer a mere science fiction fantasy, but a reality that would turn the world of medicine and science upside down. But the risks and factors that go along with cloning outweigh the positive effects of cloning which includes destruction of differences within humans, safety concerns, and the average American would not be able to afford such an expensive operation. These reasons are why cloning should never be legalized. First, genetic cloning would diminish the sense of uniqueness of an individual. Imagine waking up and the person who lives next door has the same everything as you; personality, looks, genes, etc. that would discourage you from having your own sense of personality and independence. Research shows that genetic cloning is very unsafe, only a 5% success rate, the others resulting in miscarriage, stillbirth, and life-threatening anomalies (geneticsandsociety.org). When scientists spend the amount of money to perform these experiments, with little success, it alters one's belief that this can be successfully done. As it stands now, genetic cloning could one day wipe out differences between humans. Although this can provide genetically related children for people who cannot be helped by other fertility treatments, studies from Mercer University show that this may reduce genetic variability, running population all the same (geneticsandsociety). This would give people a sense of security, knowing that they would have a child, but the average human being cannot afford genetic cloning, which costs approximately $1M (Forbes). That is more than the average human makes in a lifetime. The opposition would say that even though such procedures cost a lot of money, some doctors will perform the experiment for free, to have a test dummy. Thi