The benefit of Taylor’s system is that it creates a balance between the workmen interest and his or her employer. It gives the workmen the right wages for the quality of his work, creating a stronger workforce which will run more efficiently. The piece rate system has other benefits like proper handling of wages, learning the skills needed for that job, and readjustment of wages from time to time. This allows men or women to get paid more the longer they work there for. The harder, faster and longer the employee works, the higher the pay will be. Most employees get paid hourly, while some get paid salary. It is a system that pays for the performance given by the employee. The more you work, the more you get paid. There is one flaw I can say he has in the piece rate system. The flaw that I see is that the ordinary system reduces wages when they increase productivity. This shows that when productivity is high, the employee will be paid less. That is one flaw I can see. Another flaw I can see is that at times the company only measures the output of certain departments instead of how much each person does on their own. This problem causes some people to do more work than others and lets them pick up the rest of the task given to the employee. Those are the flaws that I can see. What distinguishes a modern manager from his old school counterpart is that a modern manager is the person in charge of the finances of the company; they help with the training of individuals wanting to work for the company. The modern managers are also the ones who make the company more businesslike. For example they have a network of systems and methods to make the company grow in sales. When a company grows in sales, the employee, most likely will get a higher pay raise from the manager. The manager is in charge of the employee pay rate, while the president or CEO of the company is in charge of the managers pay rate. What I think is that his ideas are valid i