
Homogeneous Trends of Globalization

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The all-encompassing influences of globalization can be seen to commence worldwide homogenous trends that create economic gaps between global economic hemispheres, global labour inequalities and top priority pursuits of corporate profit, which convert the world into a place where, multinational corporations leach off the desires of consumers, by using western culture to create a false sense of reality. In this paper we will start to address the persuasive advantages that the global north has over the rest of the world. In particular we will look at the trends of Americanization and how American culture or "popular culture,  utilizes a monopoly over mass media productions to attract an international market of consumers. More in depth, we will see how the manipulation of Americanization influences and shapes the global south. After we have elaborated on how world homogeneity is being formed through the globalization of American culture, we will examine a free market liberal perspective, that supports why globalization is a great phenomenon for the whole world. Taking a more critical view point against the free market liberal support of globalization, we will observe the socio- economic realities of the global south, that are caused through economic domination by multinational corporations from the global north. In scrutinizing the way multinational corporations do business in the global south, we will see the effects of "top-down globalization" in the less developed world. Lastly, I will open the readers eyes to the idea about how homogenous trends of globalizations such as labour and wage inequalities could be a serious or perhaps a minor impact of de-industrialization in western affluent democracies. I conclude that the purpose of this paper is to educate the reader about how the current homogenous traits of globalization, easily manipulate people to ignore the ugly truth in regards to the present way, globalization asserts itself on a international scale. One cannot deny that the effects of globalization create homogeneity in world culture, that is influenced by the contagious adoption of Americanization in the global north and south. Although, it is up for debate whether the adoptions of Americanization have positive or negative impacts on the culture of the global south. In this section of my paper we will see how the global north, in particular the United States, has captured interest of a large percentage of the consumer population in the global south. Through mass media projects that simply sell the image of "America," that is associated with freedom, justice, individuality and creativity, multinational corporations (MNC's) of the global north are able to dominate the markets of the global south (Teresa 22). Nations of the global north also dominate the global economic system, which allows them to control major sectors of mass media like (T.V., Movies, food chains, Internet, Etc.) (22). By controlling these sectors of mass media countries like the United States spread American culture like wild fire, to targeted areas with little competition derived from companies in global south (22). Trends of (MNC) control over the markets in the global south use influences of Americanization to promote a consumerist culture amongst the developing world consumers(23) By doing this (MNC's) exploit the desires of materialist lifestyles created through the myths of the "American Dream, that generate a universal sense of attraction, to the norms of American culture, that are fulfilled through consumption" (23). We can see that this desire to buy American products all throughout the world is a form of invisible power, in which consumers are essentially willing forced to consume westernized products. In the international music industry we see that the lack of art associated with today's music which includes simplistic lyrics, adultery meaning and primitive intellect, shows that the image of popular culture is very controlling. This representation of popular culture is the main attraction that influences consumers in global south to consume Americanized products(23). The mass distribution of American culture throughout the global south and for that matter, the entire world is reflected in the United States absolute ascendancy over the film industry. This Is reflected in the fact that around 90% of all box-office hits are produced in the United States(22). Additionally, this percentage of box office- hits shows the ability of the American film industry to target and utilize common denominators of consumer want, through the all the markets of the world (23). This makes the international consumer population universally attracted to American films (23) By controlling the wealth of the film industry, the American film companies simply eliminate any competitors by making the most cost attributing films, with all the latest details in filmmaking technology, that are almost impossible to compete wi

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