
Influence of the Nuclear Family

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Assignment Critically discuss the influence of the nuclear family in the development of antisocial behavior. Response: Family plays a pivotal role in providing the atmosphere which will influence a person's future behavior patterns. The family influences the aspirations, values and goals of individuals. Whether an individual develops into a well-adjusted sociable person or a maladjusted one depends on the family. A nuclear family is a family comprising of parents and children. This model of family is an important aspect in modelling the future of the children. It is within the family environment that a child learns the art of socialization. The family is the first teacher of any child. Therefore, the family a child grows in has a major part to determine how a child will turn out to be later in life. In this essay I will discuss the influence of the nuclear family in the development of anti-social behaviour. The general opinion over all of why people turn to violence and antisocial behavior focuses on family breakdown, drug and alcohol abuse, poverty, and unemployment. Furthermore a parent's attitude and lifestyle can make a massive impact on a child's behavioral and social skills. If the mother is a single parent or uneducated or their own childhood was traumatized has to be taken into consideration. Physical and verbal abuse appears be the main reason for antisocial behavior in society today. People who experience abuse are at risk of having great difficulties in socializing and general day to day life, resulting in antisocial symptoms like anxiety attacks or becoming violent. If a child experiences abuse early in their life for a short period of time they are more able to overcome these issues. If the abuse is over a long period of time they are more likely to develop these problems. In addition, inconsistent discipline and lack of supervision have been found to be associated with the development of antisocial behaviors in young people. The environment outside of the family may contribute to antisocial behaviors to peer pressures. Becoming friends with people that are rude, argumentative or witnessing violence in their neighborhood, even learning about violence via the media i.e. TV, movies all these have been found to corrupt some people to antisocial behaviors. The desire to be accepted and belong to a group is an undeniable human need. Conformity and obedience are related to one another in that they both require people to change their own ideas about certain situations. Conformity consists of people going along with other people to satisfy the needs or wants of the whole group so acceptance is granted. Aronson (1988) defines it ' as a change in a persons behaviour or opinions as a result of real or imagined pressure from a person or group of people. The pressure to act like other people, sometimes despite our true feelings and desires, is a common everyday occurrence. Obedience is the result of a deliberate or active form of social influence, which involves an authority figure telling us how to behave in a particular way. If we obey we are complying with the authority figure's request or instruction. Stanley Milgram (1963) carried out a psychological experiment to try to discover why so many people co-operated and committed such atrocities in the concentration camps. This experiment invol

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