"Those Winter Days" by Robert Hayden This poem is about Robert's traumatic childhood with his foster father. Robert experienced beatings, witnessed fights, and suffered from a severe visual problem hindering him from playing sports. Although, he went through many hard times, his foster father always showed him love and affection. Robert lacked appreciation for the love of his foster father. As a child, Robert didn't know that love came in many forms and fashions, not just hugs and kisses. At the end of the poem he values the love his foster father had for him. "Forgiving My Father" by Lucille Clifton The speaker in this poem is Lucille Clifton. A daughter is haunted by recollections of hostility between her parents. Both of her parents are now dead. She sides with her mother in the weekly disputes over money. Her family lived on the edge of poverty while she was growing up. But in the end, she recognizes that her father "was the son of a needy father" and that her parents "were each other's bad bargain, not mine." "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath The speaker in this poem is Sylvia Plath. Sylvia tries to get rid of all memories she has of her dad. Her dad died while she was younger. She has constant memories and dreams of her father. This memories hinders her from some things in life, she can't accomplish her goals. In order to accomplish the goals she tries to kill all memories she has of her dad because it's a barrier on her back. She calls her dad many names. She loves her dad and misses him but the memories of him are sad and overwhelming for her. "My Papa Waltz" by Theodore Roethke The speaker in this poem is Theodore Roethke. The poem is a memory poem. Theodore reflects on the time his papa came home drunk. He remembers himself standing on his papa's feet while his papa did the waltz. As a child he thought it was fun; however, it might have hurt a little. He was clinging to his papa's shirt. Theodore became dizzy; however, he continued