
Gaining the Respect of Others

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My grandmother was a very respectable person who was raised in a good family with old fashioned values. Her childhood was spent on a farm in Wisconsin in the early 1900's and most of all she was a respectable person in the community and within her family. Just a brief description of my grandmother, she was not a very tall person at five foot four but her presence was much broader than she was tall. Respect is something that most people want and some people really don't care about it, all my life I have attempted to portray these characteristics in everything that I did to gain her respect. Gaining the respect of elders in this world is not easy because of the way my generation was raised. Respect for others has a lot to do with how you treat them. Do you deliberately ignore people of poor dress and hygiene? Are you kinder to a beautiful person? If you are one of these people then I feel sorry for you, even though those people that we stereotype as under privileged people may have Fortune 500 Executives who may have lost their jobs. You never know that could be us one day and then how would you feel about that? That is why my grandmother always taught me to respect and treat everyone as you would want to be treated by them. I would have to say that I had the greatest mentor for learning the process for giving and earning respect from others. You should be kind to people's feelings and try and help people to feel happy, now that is part of showing respect. Many people do not get the proper respect that they want. Everyone thinks that respect for good looks and money make people very superficial and yet it is the standard that everyone follows in this generation. Showing respect for others is to try and go out of your way to treat everyone the same way. Respect is a seven letter word that requires you to give respect to others seven days a week and one day it may be returned back to you, as they say karma is the one thi

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