
The Moderators of Television Violence

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Television violence, although useful in the structure of most currently successful shows, has a negative effect on children. Violence is a common occurrence in modern day television programming. Popular programs such as, "The Walking Dead," or "Breaking Bad" use violent content as part of the shows artistic structure. Some believe so much violence can have a negative effect on the massive number of viewers these shows generate. The creators do not intend to promote violence when they created their series; the violence has an impact on our society nonetheless. Violent television programming does affect the children’s emotions, fears, and moral compass. Violence should not be removed from normal programming, because of the artistic value it has in the show or emotions it makes the viewer feel, and also because it violates the writers freedom of speech. Children are constantly exposed to the violent content with no one to interject; a television content mediator must be established. The adults of today’s society watch just as much television as any other demographic. The violence incorporated in television or media in general, seems to have little effect on most adult behavior. In contrast, children are more susceptible to negative influences they've seen on television. Barbara J. Wilson, a professor at the University of Illinois, wrote in an article titled, Media and Children’s Aggression, Fear, and Altruism, surveyed over 2,000 elementary and middle school parents reported that “ their children had ‘sometimes become scared that something they saw in a movie or T.V might happen to them” She also, “surveyed 500 parents of elementary school children and found that the children who watched television just before bedtime had a greater difficulty falling asleep, were more anxious at bedtime, and had higher rates of nightmares.” (Wilson). This also causes cynical children and some morality issues. “Kids are immersed in a violent, antisocial popular culture, making it very difficult for parents to raise moral kids” (Hinds). Stated Michael deCourcy Hinds in his article titled, "Violent Kids: Can We Solve This Problem?" Television, being the most common influence in modern day homes, creates some complications for our society. Alt

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