Every year, over two and a half million people die in America, and over one million of these are sudden deaths. Despite these statistics people wake up every day, put things off, and take life for granted. Life is very fragile and could possibly be taken at any given moment. Although the life expectancy is sixty-seven, stories like my uncle’s should make people realize how special life is and help emphasize the things that are most important in it. My uncle’s name was James Ford. He attended Chickasha High School and The University of Oklahoma where he got his degree in business management, and met his future wife, Pam. After college Jimmy started his own business in Chickasha, buying, training, and selling horses. He was very good at what he did, making a lot of money with award winning horses that he had raised and trained. He would go on two have two daughters with Pam. They had started a picture perfect and happy life that only had one problem. My Uncle Jimmy had become a developing alcoholic. As time went on the liquor started to cause more and more problems between my uncle and his family. The alcohol had caused so many problems that Jimmy was divorced after eleven years of marriage. My uncle moved out of the family home into a small house on the land at his farm. Although he was divorced, my uncle still had two daughters that needed their father, but because of the emotional issues of the divorce my uncle fell deeper and deeper into alcoholism. After a few years my uncle started to get into trouble with law. He racked up multiple charges, including several charges of driving under the influence and a couple charges of public intoxication. As punishment for the charges my uncle was sent to a rehabilitation center multiple times. This only further distanced my uncle from his family. My family pushed and pushed my uncle to try and get better. Whenever the subject was brought up my uncle had the same response every single time. “I am trying my best, one day I will get better, all I need is a little time.” “One day, all I need is a little time”...“I'll have to do it tomorrow.” These are both phrases that I hear all the time. People push things off with the attitude that there is always time to