"I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." - Michael Jordan For many years, Michael Jordan was an NBA star, averaging 30.4 points per game and winning six NBA championships. Although he became one of the biggest names in basketball history, it wasn't always that way. For many years, Michael Jordan couldn't even play the sport, and it seemed like he never would. However, something changed, and Michael Jordan became widely popular. (Discussion) Michael Jordan's Talent was the result of time, patience, ambition, Deep Practice, and Master Coaching. (Thesis) A result of his teen years, a stage of ignition, in which he discovered his love of the game, a period of constant deep practice, and applying his skills to the Chicago Bulls by using master coaching, Michael Jordan became the most famous basketball player of all time. (Essay Map) Michael Jordan grew up in the city of Wilmington, North Carolina, but he was born in New York, in Brooklyn city in 1963, on February 17. He had three older siblings and one younger one. He was very close to his family, especially to his mother. Jordan's mother tried her very best to teach Jordan the skills he would need later in his life. However, unlike the rest of his family, Jordan was irresponsible and could care less about school. However, he found a love for baseball and wanted to have a career as a baseball player. His small, lean figure was perfect for the sport. He even became so good at baseball that he made a few triumphs in the game. However, Jordan soon found something he loved more, basketball.1 Even though Jordan originally wanted to play baseball, Jordan desire to become a basketball player started with his ignition for the sport. First off, Ignition is the development of a passion and the willpower to become our passion. Without ignition, no one would know what they want to be one day or have any reason to work hard to get there.2 For Michael Jordan,