Abstract This paper will explore and expose the gun control effects and actions in the United States of America. It will also explain the results of gun control over a decade and show a report of the research the author conducted through a few academic: articles, research, and statistics. The paper will also suggest a solution to compromise both opposing gun control and favoring gun control. The Causes and Effects of Gun Control in the United States The United States has been a gun culture country since the day the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. After many decades, gun ownership had rapidly increased, and many lives have been saved with a gun. An American citizen can legally purchase a handgun at age twenty-one and a rifle at the age of eighteen with a cleared background check by a licensed dealer. Now in the twenty-first century tighten regulation of firearms is an ongoing debate after the Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut on December 2012. Adam Lanza was twenty years old who killed his mother, six staff members, twenty-eight elementary students, and himself in the end. People on one side of gun-control debate, known as gun control activists, argue that all firearms should become banned to carry at the federal level. Also they want to ban all gun purchase because they believe the firearm will fall into the wrong hands. Gun control activist also believe firearms aren't needed in American's civilized society. Then those who oppose gun control known as pro-gun activists argue firearms are a necessity to: hunting game in the wild, self-defense to a dangerous criminal, and it is part of the American culture. In addition pro-gun activists also believe that it's their divine right to own and carry a firearm because it was written in the Constitution as the second amendment. Also pro-gun activists believe the problem is not the firearm, and they've seen tighten gun control is not effective in any way. Hence, the result from gun control isn't working well in America. Gun control is not effective as it has not been shown to actually reduce the number of gun-related crimes. Many ideas on gun regulation have been suggested to the media, congress, and politicians. However, many of those ideas were rejected because Congress believe the ideas will result in failure. One idea that has not been mention to Congress is allowing responsible citizens to carry a firearm, but have a consequence that requires five years of jail-time minimum and hefty fines if the firearm was not used by the owner in a justified self-defense situation. Therefore, this idea will make criminals think twice before approaching their next victim which might not be their best choice. At the same time, this will eliminate the possibility of straw-purchases on firearms. Straw-purchases are made when a normal citizen passed the background check purchase a firearm, and then sell the firearm to someone with bad intentions in mind. This is when the owner purchase and register, and they won't think about reselling or lending their firearm to an individual with a history of violence and evil intentions. A solution that would help stop straw-purchases of firearm, is limiting the number of purchases in a gun shop down to a single purchase instead of multiple purchases a