?Every year in the United States, over 65% of high school seniors enter higher educational institutions in order to continue their education, improve their knowledge and skills and to ensure better professional careers. Statistics shows that the remaining high school seniors do not end their educational journey with only high school. The majority chooses to go to local community colleges and earn a degree within 2 years. This statistics differs from time to time and from country to county as well, but what stays the same is the growing need for leaders, educated generation and for reforms towards better world. A good education is the key to all the factors that create the atmosphere of better life and better society. Luckily for all of us, today’s generation realizes the importance of good education and its role played in their lives. That is one of the important reasons the vast majority of youth tries to get higher education in developed countries with even more developed educational system in order to become the professional their country needs back at their home. The perfect illustration of this statement is Vardan Grigoryan, who finished the high school in Baku and later graduated from the University of Stamford. High schools and universities provide leaders to the world by giving students the experience, knowledge and independent thinking, and social skills. For years and years high schools and universities educate and create leaders by providing the students with the experience they need. These institutions give the students the experience of failing and struggling to succeed. Everyone would agree with me that these skills are the skills that one needs in order to become a leader. There are many examples which prove how beneficial the experience can be. It is common that students fail some courses and have to take them again in the universities. Sometimes they even have to retake the same course twice in order to reach the