
Media Influenced Eating Disorders

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Tall, thin, big bust, small waist, wide hips; these are all aspects that women are told they are supposed to have. From magazines to infomercials, women are portrayed as sexual objects in order to attract men and prompt to make them desire to become more glamorous. Regardless of her opinion, in the eyes of society, a woman can never truly look ‘perfect’. Young women who attempt to achieve these impossible standards often end up in life-threatening health conditions. Eating disorders and body image issues are a very serious topic that can be directly linked to the medias portrayal of women. This paper aims to discuss the implications of media images on the mental state of young women. Why did I choose this topic? I chose the topic of images of women in media and their effect on teenagers mental and physical health because I believe that the unrealistic ideals that have been set for women in western society have severe impacts on how children grow up, and what problems it leads to. As I grow older I encounter many young women with eating disorders and other body image issues that all seem to stem from what we see in the media. This past summer I worked as a counselor at a summer camp, and one of my campers, a 14-year-old girl, had severe anorexia. Throughout the summer I worked with her to help her get back into regular eating habits, but one thing I will always remember her saying to me is “I just wish I could look like the girls on TV." Questions and Problems to Cover Throughout this paper the main questions I would like to address include; ‘what forms of media create the most unrealistic images of women?’, ‘what impact does this have on young women’s health?’ and ‘are eating disorders and body image issues directly related to media images?’. This paper seeks to discover what effect media portrayed images have on the mental state of young women, and what can be done to change that. Materials Used for this Paper E

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