
The Use of Humor in Television Commercials

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People have probably been watching TV and at some point came across a commercial that was extremely funny. The chances of them thinking into why they are funny over serious commercials are most likely slim to none. It definitely never crossed much people's minds, until they did a little research into humor and came across it. All around the world, advertisers use humor as the number one marketing tactic to get audiences to become interested and remember their products. This has been the go to way for a long time, and continues to be that way. Why exactly did using humor become number one? When advertising was first introduced as a main stream way to get people's attention about a product, there were many different styles; most were done equally, or certain products had certain techniques that worked better for them. As time went on though many advertisers started to realize entertainment was the main key, and the main source of entertainment was humor. It was thought to be a universal technique that advertisers could use in more than one country, but still produce the same effect. There are many examples of how humor has made a significant impact on the world of advertising in television. Not just in the United States but in other countries as well. This paper will discuss some of those examples, from the levels of humor to the results of doing some research on humorous commercials. It will help to explain how humor in advertising on television commercials has become the top way to get consumers to not only remember but purchase that certain product; and hopefully increase the sale of the product as well. Looking at commercials from all different countries, humor started to pop out more and more in commercials. Watching commercials in-between the television shows, most people don't think twice about the reason behind it. Most probably don't even realize how much humor there actually is in commercials. "Humor is one of the most widely used techniques in advertising around the world, with about one out of every five television ads containing humorous appeals" (L.C.M. Josephine). With this being said, there are many different levels of humor. Some commercials are geared to get everyone to laugh at it, so it has a more general appeal to it, while others may be more personal. They are geared toward a certain group of individuals and may only get a chuckle or a laugh out of them; but nothing but confused faces for others. This all leads to certain success for the commercials. Such success in these commercial leads to the audience remembering it more so then others and getting better sales in products. There are different ways to approach humor. One being surprise; Surprise is said to have a lot to do with an audience remembering a commercial versus not remembering. A commercial using puns, jokes and satire, helps to show that humor and surprise are both used in making a good commercial. The humor and surprise are said to change from one moment to another, at an attempt to generate even more of a reaction. If a commercial catches you off guard with its wit, people are more likely to remember the commercial rather than one you know is meant to be funny (L.C.M. Josephine). This helps to increase the sales of product in the commercial by keeping the target audience thinking about it. Being surprised and caught off guard helps to keep the information of the commercial kept in the persons memory. So when they go out and see it they are more tempted to get it. Another way that advertisers approach humorous commercials is by making them funny and relatable at the same time. As did L.C.M. Josephine did, take the snickers commercials for example. Some people can look at that commercial and easily relate to it. The line "You're not you when you're hungry" has became a very retable and highly known line. Whether it is because it reminded someone of themselves, or a family member or friend, it got them laughing because they can see someone they know doing the exact same thing. If this has ever happened to someone they probably went off and told the person it reminded them of, that it did just that. This would most likely cause that said person to g

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