There has been much discussion taking place from athletes ranging in all level of sports. Almost every athlete will tell you that the competitive drive to win can be intense. Athletes will go to many lengths to win. Numerous athletes will go to extreme measures to win, including taking performance enhancing drugs. Today you can find numerous types of performance enhancing drugs ranging from oral, injection, human grade, and underground. There are over one hundred types of performance enhancing drugs! The most commonly used PEDs are anabolic steroids, Androstenedione and Balco. These performance enhancing drugs can come in numerous forms, such as an injection from a needle, pill, a powder mix, or even in a cream you can rub onto your body that soaks in to increase muscle mass. One reason professionals use Performance Enhancing Drugs would be because the perception of professional sports is that it is okay to do anything as long as you win. Winning is what the fans want to see and they really do not care how it happens (The Associated Press). Some say using performance enhancing drugs helps to gain the competitive edge in sports, which is not relatively true. In the year of 1976 the East German Olympic Swimming Team won eleven of thirteen Gold Medals and later the swimming team sued East Germany’s Federal Government for giving them the Performance Enhancing Drugs because the Olympic swimming team did not know the side effects of the drug. Today, hearing about performance enhancing drugs is common. Most people would not even raise an eyebrow if they had heard breaking news about a professional athlete who used Performance Enhancing Drugs to gain the competitive edge. Many sports leagues such as the MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, and other major sport leagues all over the world have been attempting, for years, to eliminate Performance Enhancing Drugs from sports, but they failed. Today, we need a good argument whether performance enhancing drugs