MySpace is tag-lined as as “A Place For Friends." When researching for this assignment, I found it to also be a place for user spam and thousands of frivolous home videos; such as a dog that sneezes and a boy who squirts water from his eye. The sheer level of class and intelligence is earth shattering. Nevertheless, this degree of flashing .gif images and bold lettered key words like “I ain’t no dumb” and “Who wants to buy naked pictures of meee?!?!” draw in hundreds of thousands of people every day. A sad reminder of what the world is coming to. So much for science and progress. I am going to focus on mostly MySpace’s fallouts, well because simply they don't have many things going for them. It seems like they just won't die. MySpace is evidence of the mind numbing epidemic that has spanned across the world via the internet. Websites don’t get it. They focus on their bottom-line too much, forgetting about the customer. They fill pages with ads, backgrounds ads, floating ads, ads that don't do anything, ads that sing, ads that talk, etc. Do we really need to pile this much junk into one huge cluster of media that we dare call a website? And when did advertising become so intrusive that we need to scroll past twelve advertisement links just to have viewed the homepage? The homepage is hardly more than an advertisement by itself. No wonder there are so many tabs. You would need them just to get past all the ads. Beyond the cluttered homepage is a plethora of pages of popular blogs; approximately 160,000,000. These blogs, which are simply digital journal entries, serve as perhaps the most active part of the MySpace community. The number of friends and strangers reading your blog and commenting on it and the number of people in your “friends list” cause your popularity within the community to grow. To gain more popularity and status, many users request to be added as friends simply to fatten their list up, regardless i