Martin Luther King Jr. said, when your first name becomes "nigger," your middle name becomes "boy" (however old you are) and your last name becomes "John," was actually very true. Most of the time, when your race is targeted, which is mostly every race at one point in time, there are many aspects of it like what you are called that makes you question yourself on how far things can go and how far people make it go. Mexican is not the only race that has a whole list behind it that lists their labels. Being Mexican, it's easier to express how they are talked about, how they are expected to be or the thoughts on Mexicans. You either embrace it or you let it go. Typical things that we, Mexicans, are called: wetbacks, lazy and ignorant. I used to have a "friend back in first grade that was Hispanic but didn't speak Spanish and neither did her parents. Well English is my second language and in first grade, it was only my second year speaking it. She asked why English was my second language and before I could answer, she said, "My parents say that if you don't know English first, you're a wetback. I didn't even know the meaning of that word so I said, "Yeah maybe. I was so innocent and I went home that day calling my family wetbacks. My sister was already in seventh grade so she had heard of that word already. When she told us, I felt so sad. I didn't understand why I would be considered a wetback simply because I learned Spanish first. Getting called a wetback is one to let go. I know that I am not but even with my family that isn't here legally, they let it go too. They accept it, they can't deny it but they also don't let others cross the line and go into disrespecting them. Your name is the correct thing to call you, not "wetback." Another common label is that we are all lazy. When my parents first got here from Mexico, my dad worked in a car wash. He used to clean the windows and vacuum the interior. My mom worked in a dry cle