
The Magic of Reality

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What is reality and what is magic? Everyone has his or her own answer, but no one can say that which one is right or wrong. In "The Magic of Reality  written by Richard Dawkins, he has his own answer about what's really true. It is a clear and detailed book written to introduce science using specific examples. Dawkins is an English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author. He was a Christian during his teenage years, but by the more he learned about science and theory of evolution, the better he understood life's complexity, and believed less in a god. Although what he learned and understands can explain how the universe operates. Does he too focus on science to explain how life operates? Is his opinion biased or does it disrespect God and the reader? Looking at the opening section of chapter two proves that Dawkins is not blinded by science but also considers more than just science and treats myths equally. Dawkins tends to focus on science to explain how life operates, but he also looks at the "myths  ways simultaneously. His purpose in writing this book is to give the best possible answer to tough what he thinks is true, which is science but he also provide mythical answers. In the beginning of chapter two, Dawkins said that, "I shall usually begin with some mythical answers because they are colorful and interesting, and real people have believed them. To get the best answer, Dawkins studied the knowledge both from science and myth to avoid being biased. The reason that Dawkins leads a lot of myths into the book is not to laugh at them but is to compare them with science and also increase interest in the book. Before he gives reader a scientific answer which he thinks it is true, he give us as much as information he can about the different ways to answer the questions, whatever in myth, religion or fairy tales. Then he will explain his own answer. Therefore, readers can take a look of both sides and figure their own answ

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