
Medical Marijuana in Iowa

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Within the next few years, the state of Iowa will most likely vote to legalize medicinal marijuana. There have been several pushes lately to have a bill put in place for legalization. The latest coming from senator Jack Hatch only a couple of weeks ago. "This state should be about innovation - not only about how we conduct our business and our enterprises, but how we treat patients,  Hatch said. "They should have a right to take any medicine that is legal.  ( Petroski 1) Unfortunately the one who needs to see things this way doesn't. Gov. Branstad states that he cares about what is going on with the families with kids who suffer daily seizures and can't live a normal life with their disease. The question is how much do you really care if you aren't doing anything to fix it. Without legalizing marijuana we are forcing families with these problems to move out of our state and move to one with a bill in place. Which could lose your state a lot of money because this affects more than just one family. Jon Walker, author for, says Colorado is going to make far more money than was expected from legalization. "Legal marijuana sales are now projected to bring in $184 million in new tax revenue for the state during the first 18 months. This is higher than initial projections. Much of this money will go to education and drug treatment . (Walker 1) Even with numbers like that people still believe legalization would be a bad thing for the U.S. Using marijuana has negative effects on the user. No one backing this effort is denying it, but the thing is that the negatives are just like there are negatives to drinking a pop. Well according to some people it is much worse than that. Daniel Duncan from the St. Louis Post has believes it has more negative effects then people know about. "Marijuana is unquestionably a gateway to other, more dangerous drug use and, unsurprisingly, recent studies show regular users of marijuana may su

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