
Breaking Social Norms

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Human societies have expectations for behaviors which often become part of shared cultures. Social norms are the implicit or explicit rules a group has for the acceptable behaviors, values, and beliefs of its members. Implicit social norms are introduced to us at a very early age, and exert a powerful influence on our behavior into adulthood. Our culture is ruled by social norms. In many situations, people's perception of these norms have a big influence on their behavior. Implicit social norms are not openly stated, but found out when disobeyed. Implicit rules are rules we conform to as a society, and generally these rules make living together more comfortable. Social norms are important because they define the nature of a group, clarify relationships among members, and express values. They are also important because they create cohesion within the society, and members of that society are very aware when such norms are violated. Social norms are often strictly enforced and offenders are often disliked for their conduct. Also, some norms are more strictly held to in certain situations than in others. I chose to do my norm violation experiment with strangers. I'm from NYC. There, people usually tend to keep to themselves and don't typically appear as social as people in the South or Midwest. When I came to Indiana for the first time, I was amazed at how friendly people were here. Random strangers would smile at me and greet me. It was refreshing, I wasn't used to it. IU has a large population. The likelihood of seeing people you know is not big. The other day while riding a bus, a random boy sitting next at me said "Hi!" I was confused. I said "Hi." back to be polite. His face didn't seem to cross my mind so I asked, "Do I know you?" He shook his head no, but seemed normal about it. It crept me out a bit so I got off the bus at the next stop. Before I left, he said, "Bye!" People, at least where I come from, don't typically greet you

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