
Wyatt Earp and Tombstone

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I chose the film "Tombstone" because the story of Wyatt Earp is fascinating. After retiring from the law, the Earp brothers with their wives traveled to Tombstone, Arizona, one of the largest boom towns of 1879. Wyatt was convinced he would strike it rich from silver mining. After moving to Tombstone, the brothers began to make money in various ways, the most popular as a faro dealer and as security at the Oriental Saloon. For this, the owner of the saloon, Lou, offered 25% of the earnings. While dealing and gambling, the Earp brothers were able to acquire deeds to land for mining. While enjoying their new money out on the town they were interrupted by Texas outlaws that called themselves Cowboys. Those that were members of this organization were known from the red sashes they wore. Several times, the town Marshall asked Wyatt to leave his retirement and become a US Marshall. While Wyatt was working the poker table his brother Virgil took a walk thru town and saved a young child from a Cowboy on a horse nearly running him over. At that moment Virgil decided to come out of retirement to help the people of Tombstone. His youngest brother Morgan followed suit. The Earp brothers received many threats from the outlaws and told anyone that would listen that they would kill them. Days later the Cowboys rode thru town and were yelling to the brothers that today is the day. Wyatt knew he would have to leave retirement and asked Virgil to swear him in. At that moment, Virgil decided he would make the first move so the Earp brothers went to disarm the cowboys of their handguns. This was a new law the Mayor had put into effect only days before stating that no one could carry a gun in city limits. When Wyatt, Virgil, Morgan and Doc arrived at the O.K. Corral, there was a standoff of lawmen against cowboys. Virgil yelled, "Boys, throw up your hands, I want your guns.” Moments later shots were fired and within seconds the gunfight was over. Only one cowboy, Ike Clanton escaped unharmed with 2 of the Earp brothers, Virgil and Morgan wounded. Late one evening during a thunderstorm, Virgil left the saloon to head home and was shot in the arm. Wyatt left to take Virgil home to see the doctor about his injuries. Meanwhile, Morgan was playing pool in

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