
Ethnocentrism - Saint Lucia

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Abstract Saint Lucia is a beautiful island country where life moves slow. Most residents of Saint Lucia are descendants of African slaves. The majority of the islanders speak English, which is their official language. The rural population also speaks an oral language called Patois. Saint Lucians are hard-working and fun-loving people. Religion plays an important role their lives and in their community activities and in the schools (p. 2). Saint Lucia Saint Lucians are friendly and openly welcome visitors to their island home. They are not pretentious. They are confrontational and will loudly defend their point of view. The residents of Saint Lucia live on "Lucian time," where they prefer not to stick to strict schedules. Although there are class divisions, the people of Saint Lucia stand unified. The male population is still bound to their macho mannerisms and attitudes, but the modern Saint Lucian women are no longer tolerant of these attitudes anymore. The people of Saint Lucia prefer to dress neatly in proper attire that suits their occupation and status. Most professionals wear uniforms or dress in simple slacks, skirts, and shirts. The younger crowd prefers to dress in Western fashion from the United States (p. 2). When visitors come to Saint Lucia, they are greeted respectfully and feel welcome on the island. The residents greet each other with nicknames which they use rather than their given names. The children are very respectful and call their elders by their titles or professional names. Many adults use gestures and non-verbal communication to help make the most of a conversation. In keeping with their "laid back" attitudes, Saint Lucians prefer to just drop by for a visit instead of giving any prior notification. They rise early in order to complete their jobs and chores before the heat of the day. Most Saint Lucians eat a light breakfast that may contain bread, fruits, and a beverage such as tea. Many people come home fo

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