INTRODUCTION We had a lesson and we ignored something about vocabulary teaching and speaking activities. Learners have some problem with the vocabulary and speaking according to feedbacks that was given us. In this research, we aimed to find solutions to make these parts better. Generally, most students have some troubles in vocabulary learning and speaking. They cannot understand new words easily because of the technique that is used and also they do not want to participate the speaking activities because they are afraid of making mistakes or the tasks are difficult for them. In this research, it has been tried to find an answer for the question "How to teach vocabulary effectively?" and "How can we arrange the speaking activities according to their level?" 1.1 THE IMPORTANCE OF VOCABULARY Vocabulary knowledge is essential to produce something in English or any other language. According to some sources there are almost one million words in English. However, almost ten thousand of them are spoken in daily life. According to Blachowicz and Fisher (2005), vocabulary is crucial for the improvement of comprehension and written expression. Moreover, vocabulary knowledge affects the ability to participate fully in both social and academic classroom routines. Zang (2011) argued that when we learn a language, we need to master four skills which are listening, reading, speaking and writing. Thus, vocabulary knowledge is fundamental to them. One cannot understand a sentence without knowing what most of the words mean. The lack of vocabulary knowledge affects all the four language skills. Furthermore, learning vocabulary before the task improves the effectiveness of the learning process. Schmitt (2008) stated that the students who receive the target vocabulary before starting to listen or read to text have better understanding than the students who do not receive. 1.2 DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING VOCABULARY Learning new words can be difficult for the students. Teaching vocabulary technique that is used by the teacher makes it easier. "The students consider the teacher's explanation for meaning or definition, pronunciation, spelling and grammatical functions boring. In this case scenario, language learners have nothing to do in a vocabulary learning section but to listen to their teacher. Second, students only think of vocabulary learning as knowing the primary meaning of new words (Huyen & Nga, 2010, p.2). According to this view, we should avoid to give the definition of meaning only. Telling the definition is not a problem but we should use extra activities or techniques while we are teaching vocabulary. Moreover, learners have difficulties while they are learning abstract words. According to Heltai (1996), teaching experience and experimental evidence suggest that words with an abstract meaning are more difficult to learn than words which refer to concrete entities. The difficulties in learning vocabulary may arise from different reasons. "How difficult it is to learn the meaning of a word depends on at least three things: (1) characteristics of the word learner, (2) characteristics of the word itself, (3) level of word learning desired. Though words vary in their inherent difficulty, all word learning requires a metacognitive approach in which students (1) attend to the word and recognize it as unknown (2) desire to know the word and actively engage in the learning process, and (3) integrate both definitional information and contextual information, as well as new information and known information (Blachowicz & Fisher, 2005, p.4). 1.3 ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO TEACH VOCABULARY Vocabulary should be taught in different ways. One single technique is not enough to teach vocabulary, because the each learner's learning style and strategy are different, so we have to teach vocabulary by considering this point. We use different ways and techniques for the type of the target vocabulary. For instance, the techniques which are used in teaching abstract words are different than the techniques which are used to teach concrete words. Zang (2011) wrote that guessing technique is a good way to learn vocabulary. In this point, reading passages are the best way, because students cannot catch the full text during the listening activity, except using script, however, they can understand the full text while they are reading. Guessing strategy consists of five steps: (a) Finding the part of speech of the unknown word. (b) Looking at the immediate context of the unknown word and simplifying this context if necessary. (c) Looking at the wider context of the unknown word. This means looking at the relationship between the clause containing the unknown word and surrounding clauses and sentences. (d) Guessing the meaning of the unknown word. (e) Checking that the guess is correct. (Suberviola, 2002:240) According to Mothe (2009), showing actual objects and showing models are very effective technique to teach vocabulary for t