As humans, we all search for meaning in our lives. We could be looking for some kind of interaction, a sense of stability, or even a family connection. Most people are looking for a place where they feel wanted or needed. Others may be looking for the answers to questions about their past, their families, and maybe where they came from. While others may be looking for just a place they feel as though they belong. What is a community? A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristics in common. Communities exist to offer support and a means of connection with others in our lives. We tend to look for communities and or groups where the rules are laid out in front of us. There are all kinds of communities out there, and some of them are not always positive communities. These provide vast opportunities for social interactions, building relationships etc. Often our first introduction into a community is through our own family. For most celebrating our familial background is important, while others like myself do not even know what their backgrounds are. Each and every one of us belong to some kind of community. In this essay I will be discussing what I learned from my family in regards to community, and also the community I joined since being at the community college. When we are born, we are born with a set of values and expectations, so we learn them from our parents or the adults that raise us, primarily. We learn not only through these adults teaching us, we learn by examples and by watching/ observing. Everything we know about human behavior suggests that the family is the institution in which most children learn about character and morality. That's why the quality of family life is so important. Going back as far as I can remember as a child in a white community, I had no sense of knowledge about other people around me except that we were all not to be trusted. Growing up I was in what society would co