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In the play, "Antigone," written by Sophocles, catharsis is used by multiple characters. Catharsis is defined as the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, especially through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music; otherwise known as trying to get the audience to have pity or terror in the characters. Some examples of catharsis in the play are when Antigone buried Polyneices, when the guards are taking her off to be killed, and when Haemon commits suicide. In the play, the main character, Antigone, uses catharsis better than any of the other characters. “But the unhappy corpse of Polyneices / he has proclaimed to all the citizens, / they say, no man may hide / in a grave nor mourn in funeral, / but leave unwept, unburied, a dainty treasure / for the birds that see him, for their feast’s delight." In this quote, Antigone is trying to get Creon, the king, to feel pity for her. Antigone had two brothers, Polyneices and Eteocles, who both were killed. Creon had ordered a proper burial for Eteocles, but had said that Polyneices was to be left outside city limits. She wanted Polyneices to have a proper burial, which she showed in that quote. Antigone showed catharsis towards the audience once she buried Polyneices, as well as she shows it when she is being taken to go be killed. While Antigone is being taken off to go be killed, the guard asked her if there was anything he could do to help her. Antigone tried to give him her gold ring, but he refused. Therefore, she had him write a letter in his notebook in case they were to search his pockets. Before Antigone could tell the guard who the letter was to go to, she was taken to go be killed. The guards do not know who the people they take to go be killed are, such as Antigone. Everyone in the town of Thebes knows Antigone, as she is Creon’s niece, and Haemon’s fiancé. If the guard and Antigone could have just had a few more minutes together, he would have k

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