
Why Gossip is Good For You

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"Why Gossip is Good for You" is an informative article written by Robin Dunbar. In the article, Dunbar marks the difference between male and female gossip take more of a logic appeal towards his audience. According to Dunbar’s writings he says “Men conversations seem to be geared as much to advertising than anything” (Dunbar 122). He also explains how men seem to display their brilliant tails whenever a female is present. The things that man gossip about differ from what women gossip about because men tend to talk about what they “think” they know and what may boost their self-image. Women’s gossip is geared toward social media, and social groups. Dunbar says that “Women are more focused on building and maintaining a complex web of relationships in a social world that is forever in flux (Dunbar 122). This quote supports more of a logos appeal because it gives good reasoning on why women gossip the way they do. Dunbar seems to give a good example on the difference between men and women gossip by saying “Harry seem to like to talk about Harry, but Sally talks about Susan” (Dunbar 122). Dunbar’s academic tone further appeals to his audience’s sense of logic when he begins to use the familiar compare and contrast structure to compare how the language of humans and primates differs. While the two might seem quite dissimilar at first, through Dunbar’s use the familiar genre, he soon is able to draw parallels for his reader. He says that for humans, language, “[is] a kind of grooming,” pointing out that for primates it is “less a matter of hygiene and more an expression of commitment” (Dunbar 121). While this seems counterintuitive at first, what the author is trying to point out is we as humans use language as an extra mile to take care of ourselves and social life. Primates use language to show other primates who they rather be in close quarters with. Humans use language to know the latest gossip of who is go

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