?Outline I. Introduction A. Background information on the idea of creationism being taught as a part of the public school’s primary education alongside evolution (interesting facts, statistics, rhetorical questions). 1. Define creationism 2. Extensive background on creationism and evolution. B. Thesis Statement: The long, heated debate over whether creationism should be taught alongside evolution in public schools has aroused much debate, creationism however should not be taught alongside evolution in public schools due to the facts (1) that it is a belief driven theory with no scientific evidence to back its claim up, (2) that creationism would deprive public school children of (“a”?) their true scientific education, and (3) finally, it presupposes the existence of a divine creator or higher power. II. Body Body I - Difference of belief vs. scientific knowledge 1) Briefly mention what public school’s role is vs private school’s role 2) Creationism's evidence has failed to stand up to objective scientific scrutiny. 3) Creationism is pseudo-science. Body II - Deprivation of the true knowledge of science 1) Mention Monkey Trial/Scopes Trial; revolutionized evolution being taught in public schools, on Darwin’s theory. 2) How much it took for evolution being taught in schools to happen, and creationism would wreck all the years and work. 3) Refer back to the idea of it being a belief taught idea, not evidence to proof it. Therefore messing with children’s minds of what is correct and not correct. Depriving them of the true scientific nature. Body III - Presupposes the existence of a divine creator or higher power. 1) Talk about how public schools are not supposed to bring in any faith. Since Creationism doesn't qualify enough as a science (any more than astrology or cryptozoology) to spend precious time teaching it in science class, there is no other place for it. Religious instruction has no place in publi