In this thesis, I will propose a plausible answer to the following question: why does the average educated (see the list of abbreviations and definitions) Arabic speaker most often fail (1) to assign correct case (2) endings to syntactic components in his/her Standard Arabic (SA) utterances in spite of well over twelve years of formal learning of SA? This phenomenon seems unprecedented for other languages as the relevant literature has never documented any phenomenon similar to this for speakers of other languages. Speakers of other languages have no problem assigning morphological case to DPs in their languages. This latter observation can be discerned from the following quotation (Embick and Noyers 2005): “Because ornamental morphology has an overt effect at PF (see the list of abbreviations and definitions), the requirements which eventuate in the insertion of ‘extra’ material are, although language-specific, sufficiently transparent that speakers of the language may infer them without special difficulty during acquisition.” In traditional Arabic scholarship, it was assumed that the relationship between case markings and whatever traditional scholars thought is responsible for their appearance on nominal expressions is so transparent that a few introductory lessons on that topic will ensure proper case marking augmentation in the oral production of the learner. Unfortunately, the validity of this assumption has so far been unchallenged. On the other hand, scholars investigating the syntax of SA within the most recent frameworks have so far been practicing tremendous mental gymnastics to explain certain phenomena of Arabic syntax such as agreement asymmetry, word order, DP licensing, etc. The problem with such scholarship is that it lacks sound empirical verification. Generally speaking, scholars investigating languages other than SA typically provide empirical support for whatever syntactic claims they make through exam