Normative ethics is my favorite branch of ethics; philosophically speaking. Normative ethics is when one questions how one ought to act. This type of ethics studies on the person's ethical action. When I read the book, "The Lone Survivor," I was automatically intrigued by the normative ethics that was written by the author. Giving that it was a true story, made that much more captivated in my eyes. When reading the book, I was introduced to Pashtunwali. While learning what Pashtunwali was, I was opened to a whole new door of ethics. After conducting many hours of research on Pashtunwali, I realized that other countries in the world need to learn this form of normative ethics. Pashtuns are derived from Pakistan and Afghanistan. Even though Pashtunwali is an ethic and not a religion, it is believed that it precludes the religion of Islam's. Therefore, because Muslim nations still to this day agreeably practice Pashtunwali, it does not oppose Islamic teachings. "While the practice is carried out in the name of religion, it is more correctly understood as resulting from a peculiarly Pashtun interpretation of Islam through the prism of Pashtunwali" (B. Shaffer). Pashtunwali is actually an unwritten code. It is a code that is translated as, "The code of life and honor. There are many key principles that make up what Pashtunwali is. Ultimately, the code of life honors the protection given to a person against his or her own enemies; it requires that a host defends a guest with his life, no matter how or why. "The tribal code, Pashtunwali, has heave demands: hospitality, generosity, and the duty to avenge even the slightest insult" (M. Luttrell). There are many principles for the code of Pashtunwali, all of which greatly define, the unselfishness of their ethnicity. Nanawatai, is one of the principles of the Pashtunwali code that states that a host has to provide to protection from their enemies to one who requests it, no matter what circumstances. The host cannot deny one's request for protection. The requestor is protected right away from the host. It can also mean that if a party that is defeated, they may go up to the hosts' house and ask them for their forgiveness. This is a meaning of mercy. The second principle is Nang. Nang is a term that means Honor. Honor is highly important in the Pakistan and Afghanistan community. This principle can be a great example for the women in Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is established that women in the Islamic culture have a lot of rules placed on them. One is of course, what they wear and how they wear it. In America, you see many of the Islam women try to make fashion out of their burkas, however in Islam they strictly wear the burka without any fashion. This is because of Nang. They maintain their honor because it is believed that they will be seen as a classy woman. Another example of Nang is protecting their homeland. This is because as well as women, homeland is something a man protects and honors. Let's take the census for example. Census takers are men, when they go door to door asking how many people are in the house, they aren't allowed to ask about the women in the house, because that isn't the census taker's woman, it is the homeowner's woman. A man guarantees his honor by the virtue of the wom