The United States was originally founded as thirteen colonies which were all part of the British Empire however the United States of America is now completed by a union of fifty separate states. It is formally known on July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was issued stating that the thirteen American colonies now considered themselves as independent therefore declaring the separation from the British Empire. The thirteen American colonies became the United States of America. It is from a great extent the Declaration of Independence can be seen as the foundation of America as it was from this document that the American Dream was sourced creating the beginning of America as we see it today, a superpower. It is from the same principles and beliefs that were founded in 1776 that have been carried through to the modern day United States of America. The Declaration of Independence is the document where the principles of the American people, who later define the ideology of the American Dream, are outlined. Jim Cullen has famously stated that the American ideal of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness ' is essentially the source of the American Dream as it sets the foundation of America through its ethos and principles allowing the United States of America to come together as a nation. It is evident Cullen has taken inspiration from the English philosopher and physician, John Locke who originally enforced the idea of America dream as life, liberty and the pursuit of property . Although Cullen has altered the original quote, he has still taken inspiration from Locke's theories of giving power of freedom to the individual by reducing the emphasis on government or ruling body. It is a common view that the Declaration of Independence was set up from Christian core values enforcing the argument that God is on the side of the Americans. America still have the patriotic saying God bless America , again suggesting the importance of rel