
A Lesson in Service Learning

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My name is Emalia Zuttermeister and the course that I have participated in service learning for is Anthropology 200 instructed by Dr. Ulla Hasager. I chose Leahi Hospital, located on 3675 Kilauea Avenue as my service learning site and throughout the time I'd been there, I have completed a number of 27 hours. I am grateful to Joan Watanabe for allowing me to take part in volunteering at Leahi Hospital. Her contact number for information is 808-733-7934 or her email is I allow any use of information from my report to be used in the reports that faculty and staff write about the service learning program, although I would like to remain anonymous. The service learning site of Leahi Hospital has a goal to provide individual quality care and service to all patients and residents. From what I have heard Leahi Hospital is mostly known for the care of Tuberculosis patients. Although they may be known for Tuberculosis, a large part of the hospital is for elderly individual that are requiring long term care or short term with restorative care that are without any symptoms of Tuberculosis. Leahi hospital also has an Adult Day Health Center (LADHC). The Day Center is designed to provide a variety of health, therapeutic, and social services to individuals who are ICF level of care and needs help with care throughout the hours of the day. At the hospital there are many different volunteer sites that is available, most are for helping out the long term elderly residents. The area that I chose to volunteer at was at Leahi Cafe. A place where residents that are able to eat on their own are permitted to join other residents for lunch. My job there was to set up tables for the residents and when resident are seated I deliver their meals to them that the kitchen had prepared for them. Each resident has a special diet that must be followed. When the residents are finished eating volunteers would take them back to their rooms and set the cafe area up for fun games and crafts. When

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