Driving is a privilege earned by teens when they reach the age of 16. This privilege requires complete attention to safely operate your vehicle and respond to events happening around you while driving. To respond properly to events around you while driving you have to use your mind and body to react in different situations. Most people take the privilege of driving for granted and so easily give less than their full attention to the road in front of them. They let distractions take their mind and body away from what it should be doing while operating a vehicle. These things that keep them from giving their full attention to the road are called distractions. There are many dangerous distractions that keep you from giving your full attention to the road while behind the wheel of a vehicle. There are also many ways to be cautious and eliminate many of these dangers. Some of the most common distractions while driving are modern day technology. Things like cell phones and GPS systems are distracting drivers and causing them to loose focus on what is in front and around them. Whether drivers are texting, speaking, surfing the web or searching for directions they cannot seem to ignore the constant presence of their devices in the car. These temptations are causing havoc each day as distracted drivers are causing accidents at exceptional rates. Cell phones are becoming an even greater distraction as technology advances and smart phones become a single source for everything from messaging to directions. This applies to all drivers, from the young and newly licensed to the most experienced. Drivers are now using the main parts of their brains to engage in conversation rather than operate their vehicles in a safe and responsible manner. Despite the obvious dangers, people continue to disregard the warnings and put themselves, their passengers and their fellow drivers at risk every time they give in to the temptation of their cell phone. Cell p