
Religion, Secularism and Ritual

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Without realizing it, most of our lives are somewhat scripted. We get up, shower, eat, go to school, do homework, go to the gym, etc. It may vary individually but we all have a certain routine we normally do day after day. It is pretty obvious that we tend to gravitate towards consistency. We have patterns, and like to keeps things organized and simple. A lot of our behaviors can be called ritualistic. It is this way for many reasons. For most people ritual is a word most often held in context with religion. Even though it is generally viewed in terms of religion, ritual can be secular and yet very different but similar in its importance in our life. Ritual is by far rooted most deeply with religion. Ritualistic behaviors can be seen in every religion and according to Wallace, it "accomplishes what religion sets out to do." Without ritual, religion could not exist. It is as its been called the "functional unit of religion" (Wallace). Every religion has its rituals they usually revolve around a myth. They can be performed at a specific time, possibly daily or annually. One example is praying, Muslims pray five times a day, while Catholics go to church every Sunday. Another reason for rituals may be situational. Often when there is a death, that person is buried and given a ceremony. Other rituals happen just to give thanks to the supernatural. One such ritual is sacrifices. When a family member is ill often healing rituals can be performed to help. The list of specific rituals based on specific religions could go on forever. Even though people always tie religion and ritual together, ritual doesn't always have to involve religion. One example given by Steadman was of elementary school kids reciting the pledge of allegiance. She points out that this, just like religious rituals, "is a repetitive process of events that happens at a certain time," and in this case every morning. Many people do other thing that they normally don't think

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