
Religion, Science and the Beginning of the World

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The opening chapter of the Bible begins with these words, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Then the further one reads that on the first day he created light, then darkness, separated both, and created “light” and “day” (Genesis 1:0, King James Version). On the second day he separates water and sky. This continues until we get to the seventh day, which God takes for relaxation. In a summary of the first opening book, the Genesis, it continues to talk about his creation of the universe within 7 days. On the other hand, the Big Bang Theory is described as a point in time, over 13.75 billion years ago, in which the universe was a simple dot filled with mass. It was said to one day explode and become the universe as we know it today. Facts and data are shown, especially experiments direct from NASA, to prove said “theory.” It is evident, before I move on, that we understand that these are mainly theories, although one contains more factual evidence than others. There are two ways in which humans can go about living. One can be that of relying on provable information or the other one, which are beliefs and myths about certain things. I do not know about you, but personally I would rather believe in what has been proven using statistics, rather than what I have heard. In the words of Fish (2010) “History shows that religions and their associated beliefs, like other cultural phenomena, change over time. The causes of such changes are diverse and often political (like military conquest or a ruler's fiat), but it is difficult to think of a better reason than persuasion by scientific evidence” (p. 27-31). Such words spoken by such a brilliant man have never been more truthful. Regardless of what is said or speculated science has always mastered and proved a piece of information wrong. In 1929, a man by the name of Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe was indeed expanding at a very rapid velocity.

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