
Memorable Middle School Experiences

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In this project assignment, I will be sharing my experiences that I went through during my middle school days. Being the eldest and going through puberty was the hardest. Dealing with self-concept and even more, self-esteem through the response of family and friends can be a little discomforting. Also reflecting on what and how some factors helped me shape my academic skills during those moments. I will also be describing the type of crowds that I would hang out with, if there were labels for the cliques and if there was a rule in being part of the group. My experience throughout puberty was challenging. The only reason was that I was the eldest of four kids. I had experienced everything on my own and followed the advice I got from my mom and friends. I had my period when I was a sixth grader on a school day and good thing that it happened during the evening. I will admit it; I was scared when that happened to me. Through my physical and maturation, I had my mom help me out because just like any other dad, he would tell me to ask my mom. I had friends that learned about puberty from what their older siblings experienced. My mom had me well prepared for what was to come when puberty hit. I went from training bras to regular bras, and had my own razor. Having my family and the type of friends I had, my self-concept was high but lacked a bit of self-esteem. Although my mom was there to tell me I was beautiful, I did not believe her. However, I did believe her when she said I was a smart girl. Being smart and strong was my self-concept. Even through puberty, there were a couple of boys that had something to say about girl’s breast growth. Listening to their conversation was making me compare myself to the other girls. There were parts of my body that I did not like at all. Most girls were fully developed from there chest and I was still waiting on mine. It seemed like forever to get my body to get rid of some the baby fat. My mind wa

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