Pesticides play a major role ensuring that farm grown foods are grown in the best environment possible. They are sprayed in the fields to prevent animals and insects from devouring the crops. Studies show that 80 percent of crops would be lost without the use of pesticides (CropLife America). This could cause a major problem for the people depending on those crops to survive. What is failed to be realized about the importance of pesticides is that they protect the natural part of one’s diet. Without them our options in local supermarkets for fresh fruits and vegetables would be limited, forcing us to rely on processed foods. This can be very harmful to people’s health (EPA). Supply and demand play a huge part in our everyday life. There has to be enough of the product in order to meet the peoples demand. Every season, farmers plant a certain amount of crops that can last until the next planting season. So they rely on pesticides to keep everything they plant alive and fresh. If they do not take these precautions, there would be no way of guaranteeing the amount in their harvest. This could cause the risk of supply not meeting the demands (CropLife America). There are many health benefits associated with pesticide use. First, using pesticides can prevent disease outbreaks. Vector-borne diseases are tackled most effectively by killing the hosts. Often times the host is an insect. Malaria is one of the most common of these diseases, which is spread generally by mosquitos. Malaria results in an estimated 5,000 deaths per day (EPA). In most cases, pesticides are the most practical way to kill large numbers of insects such as mosquitos at once. Often times the pesticides are sprayed from planes or from the backs of trucks. Diseases carried by rodents can also be tackled with pesticides. Rats can directly spread certain diseases by biting, such as rat-bite fever, salmonella, and Weils disease. Rats can also spread diseases indirectly by way of fleas and mites (National Park Service). Different types of compounds can be used to bait and kill these rodents. These compounds can be carried back to the colony and shared with them to kill large numbers at once. Also, crop production pesticides kill insects that