
The True Meaning of Success

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Success means many things to different people. For some, it's the amount of money or material things they have acquired, and for others, the happiness of family, friends, a church community, and good health. You first need to know what success means to you, before you can have a plan at achieving that success. Achievement is not being in what others consider to be the most prestigious position; the personal obstacles you overcome measure Success. Whether it is poverty, disability, overcoming adversity, or racial discrimination, success is personal progress. Booker T. Washington thought that by approaching things differently in a more passive manner, the African American would have more success in achieving the end result of equality in jobs, education, and basic rights. He asked black Americans to give up three things: political power, insistence on civil rights and demanding higher education for Negro youth. He strived to make the Negro a businessman and business owner. He insisted on self-respect, but counseled on silent submission to civic inferiority to achieve the final goal. I am in agreement for peacefully working toward equality, and what an individual defines as success. However, I have a hard time feeling like one should be willing to give up basic rights, even temporarily for the greater result. Modern day slaves are an example of how little some things have changed, and how different types of injustices plague America. The Hispanic people, like the African Americans, have endured much discrimination. They are another example of a race that has worked as domestic help and laborers for little money, and in very inferior conditions. Flor Molina is a woman from Mexico who was lured to the states, with promises of a better life for her children. Instead she became a slave for a factory owner. She worked long hours, and subjected to physical abuse. She escaped one day and contacted the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Traffickin

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