On a mild, spring Sunday afternoon, I was "reborn" into the crazy, all-consuming, fun and frustrating world of social networking. After being annoyed for months, I ditched my immature MySpace account and stumbled into the vastness of Facebook. The majority of my MySpace friends seemed as if they were my clones, switching over simultaneously with me. Since I had always viewed Facebook as more favorable for young adults and adults in general, I could slowly feel myself becoming one as I typed my nine digit password into the only Mac computer in Mrs. Tipton's seventh grade computer class. I had done it; I was officially an adult in terms of Social Networking standards. Over the next several months I changed my relationship status a few times (with the same girl), liked a picture of bearded lady sitting in a stroller, and clicked "add friend to any random person who had a mutual friend with me (to make it look like I was incredibly popular). I slowly began to slow down on my personal posts; I tried to avoid telling people about the type of meat I had on my sandwich for lunch and focus more on something that would generate much more response. So, after listening to my Dad engage in a political rant, I would rephrase him on Facebook. Not knowing a thing about politics, I would announce to all 1,248 friends about how uninformed I was about politics and the different types of to, their, and your. In my utopian imagination I had envisioned hundreds of likes and 80 comments agreeing with me 100 percent. Needless to say, "it's their, not there or "Obama is not a Socialist were not the responses I had hoped for. I let off of the political confrontation for while and read a dictionary or three. After I finally learned how and when to use there, their, and they're, I began to read and watch politics daily. I would watch anything from Rachel Maddow to Sean Hannity, all while reading the New York Times or Huffington Post. I would fo