Email advertising has several strengths. It is more competitive and reliable when compared with other forms of advertising and is an economical and effective way to keep in touch with customers and other business associates. Effectively using email marketing can keep the focus solely on the company's target customer. Apple's target consumers are from middle and upper income class. According to a study, rich people have more Internet usage as they have massive resources like computers, laptops and broadband Internet access (Morrissey, 2005). Apple only messages to those customers who have registered to receive emails and does not annoy others who have not signed up. The company also uses consumers' information to strategy its marketing plan. The emails sent from Apple are related to its consumers' preference. If the customer prefers games more, Apple will recommend more game apps (Phelps & Lewis & Mobilio & Perry & Raman, 2004). Therefore, email advertising helps Apple to build a good brand image and increase its business reputation (Cheow, 2006). Furthermore, one of the advantages for email advertising is ˜calls to action'. Email advertising could increase the purchase of the products. In the Diagram 1, customers just need to click the button ˜buy now', it will bring the customer straight to the checkout page. Therefore, email is worth than other channels as it is cheap and could drive sales to increase the profit of Apple (Gopal& Walter& Tripathi, 2001). The sales volume of Apple in 2013 is $171 billion dollars and it exceeds the previous record (Rushton, 2013). In general, good advertising is really important to a company as it could increase the consumers' interests in a mature brand and increase the likelihood of purchasing a brand. Email advertising has some weaknesses as well. First, the email will sometimes be regarded as spam by spam filters. Consequently, the target customers may miss the email. It is a challenge for Appl