
Tiger Mom's and Childhood Education

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Opponents hold that the "Tiger Mom" style of education does not meet the child's psychological needs. A tiger mother's method of education is not conducive to the psychological growth of children and their future life. Two hundred years ago, the French thinker, Rousseau, raised the liberal education in his masterpiece "Emile." Rousseau believes that people should respect the status of children and allow children to live like children and develop freely (Gutek, 66). Children need games and entertainment, and they are necessary to the process of growing up healthy and happy. Thus, we should not deprive children of fun time in their childhood. Furthermore, authoritarian parenting like Tiger Moms does, which is a combination of high responsiveness with the power may produce higher-achieving children with fewer symptoms of depression. H. Cheng and A. Furnham, from Department of Psychology of University College London, argue "Authoritarian parents have an absolute set of standards, to which children must conform. They are perceived to be not particularly warm or affectionate. This style of parenting supposedly tends to produce children low on self-reliance, responsibility and achievement motivation" (464). Contrasting permissive with authoritative parenting, permissive parenting is characterized by high warmth and low level of demand and control. H. Cheng and A. Furnham also claim that: permissive parenting places few demand on their children, leaving them to exercise as much control as possible over their own activities. Children of this parenting style tend to be very positive in their moods and possess more vitality than those of authoritarian parents" (464). Therefore, the Tiger Mom's education method could be harmful for children's psychological development. Supporters do not admit that Tiger Mother-style education could produce children low in achievement motivation. However, they believe that strict parental education could make children perseveres. Americans, with particu

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