Soldiers is a anti-war graffiti stenciled painting that shows two military soldiers, both looking very warily, as one takes watch and the other ones tried to finish his painting of a red peace sign. Which is weird, because the color red is usually used to show power, war danger, or blood, so its extremely ironic that the soldiers would paint it red. Banksy choose to do the peace sign in red, because of the irony it poses, showing that peace can only be brought by power or blood. In the painting, it has drips of the paint coming down the wall from the peace sign. Why weren't the soldiers worried about the preciseness of the drawing? They are more focused on what the picture is actually saying and not the perfectness of the art. This, also, shows that soldiers can be scared, too, and not everyone wants to go to war, even if they are forced. Another ironic thing is that the peace sign is only three-quarters of the way finished. Banksy did not let the soldiers finish the peace sign, because he wanted to show that the world is not ready for peace, because of the all wars that happened for no reason, and the violence in America. Another reason this picture is interesting is because they have guns, but why would they need guns if they are just painting on the wall. Banksy showed them with guns just to show that they are part of the military and have some kind of power. He is also showing that police can be vulnerable too. Police can break rules, and draw graffiti just like the rest of the world. This is why one of the police officials is looking out fo the other one to make sure they do not get caught. Banksy's art is usually negative about the police, so this artwork was intriguing and different than the rest because this piece shows that the cops are wanting piece but just can not find the right system and ingredients to bring peace to the world. This art was very deep and showed a different side of Banksy. It showed that he can also show th