
Defining Sleep Disorders

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There are many diagnosed sleep disorders out there. Some disorders are more frightening than others, and if a person lives with a sleep disorder, it is extremely hard to live a normal life. It must be frustrating to know that almost every night people will have an occurrence. These are some of the most stressful sleeping disorders. The first disorder is REM sleep behavior disorder, which is what my dad struggles with almost every night. This is a disorder where a person will act out their dreams vividly. It could turn into an exceedingly violent dream, and it would result with them kicking, yelling, and punching. The next disorder is sleep apnea. This disorder is when your breathing is interrupted while a person is asleep. Narcolepsy is when someone can fall asleep any time of the day no matter where they are. These sudden attacks make it extremely hard for a person to do everyday activities when they know that, at any time, they could fall asleep. Lastly, hypersomnia, a disorder where a person can get all the sleep in the world, but still feel as if they are never well rested. This research paper will help people become more educated on each disorder and understand how they go about diagnosing it, treating it, and personal struggles that will occur in everyday life. First there is REM sleep behavior disorder. This is when someone has an elevated pulse rate and elevated brain activity. REM sleep also makes breathing irregular, and there is a complete loss of muscle tone. With this complete loss of muscle tone, it makes people act out their dreams (Ferini-Strambi, 2000). These dreams can be extremely violent, causing people to yell, punch, kick, jump, and even grab during their dreams. This disorder is usually found in men that are middle-aged to elderly. Some symptoms during REM sleep behavior disorder can be that breathing becomes highly irregular, blood pressure rises, eyes start having rapid movements, and the loss of muscle tone. In about 55% of all cases of REM sleep behavior disorder, the cause of what makes this occur is unknown. In 45% of the cases, it can be caused by alcohol or sedative-hypnotic withdrawal. Sedative-hypnotic withdrawal is from a drug that reduces the activity in your central nervous system. In a study, 38% of people that have REM sleep behavior disorder develop Parkinson's disease after about twelve years of having these symptoms. The next disorder is sleep apnea, which is when breathing is interrupted during sleep. Some symptoms for this disorder are particularly common in normal life like, loud snoring or lack of energy. Waking up with an unusually sore/dry throat, waking up with a choking sensation, or mood changes, are less common symptoms, and a doctor should be consulted. The next disorder, narcolepsy is an uncontrollable disorder that brings sudden sleep attacks randomly during the day. This disorder can be found between the ages of 15 and 25. Usually, narcolepsy is undiagnosed, which would also make it untreatable. Some symptoms of narcolepsy would be hallucinations, and struggling with sleep paralysis. When a person encounters a brief episode, they may feel unable to move or speak (M. M. OHAYON, et al. (20

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